about us

Who we are

Vecino Center for Language and Culture is a social hub that hosts classes and events centered around languages and cultural traditions from around the world. Through Vecino Center, people from all walks of life can gather without the borders and limitations that typically separate us. We’re here to support and strengthen the international communities that thrive in Winston Salem, so join us in celebrating our global diversity!

Why we do it

There is an amazing wealth of global knowledge in our local community, and we’re here to celebrate it. Problem is… it can be difficult to access languages and cultures that differ from your own. We’re on a mission to ensure that everyone with an interest in global traditions can thoughtfully explore and experiment without having to book that expensive ticket abroad or scavenge the internet, only to find misleading information. The world is already right here, in your backyard.

And we get it, meeting cool people is a challenge. We’re here to fix that. To meet your new best friends, we recommend chatting in Italian over a cappuccino, twirling the night away after a salsa lesson, and rolling up your sleeves for a sushi-making workshop. There’s nothing better than a shared experience to connect you with other interesting and curious people who love world languages and cultures as much as you do.

You may call us old school because we only offer in-person classes and events. While online courses have their time and place, we know that intercultural education is as much about who you are with as what you are learning. Our classes offer that incomparable sense of camaraderie that helps us to break down barriers in our community and really get to know each other.

It’s very important to know the neighbor next door and the people down the street and the people in another race.

Maya Angelou